Your camper will be able to choose one activity group per week to participate in during Camp Vertical! We have lots of fun planned in all of our groups – you won’t be disappointed! Sign up quickly as space is limited in all of our activity groups.
The activity group Camp Horizon, indicated with the magenta cross icon (+), is an activity group for Middle School Students; activity groups with an orange asterisk icon (*) are only available for campers entering grades 4—6 in the fall.
All-Star Sports
Beyond the Brush*
Crafts & Cooking
For the Win
Outside the Lines
Rockets & Roller Coasters
Triple Threat*
Camp Horizon+
June 16—20
Backyard Blast*
Boys Boot Camp
Camp Vertical Girls League
Green Thumb
Paints and More
Rad Scientists*
Ready, Set, Go!
Top Secret*
Wide World of Sports
Camp Horizon+
June 23—27
All-Star Sports
Christmas in July
Girls Inc*
Lights, Camera, Action
Loud and Proud
Man Camp*
Once Upon a Time
Wide World of Sports
Wild Wilderness
Camp Horizon+
July 7—11
Around the World
Beyond the Brush*
Bon Appetit*
For the Win
Green Thumb
Once Upon a Time
Pumped Up PE
Ready, Set, Go!
Triple Threat*
Camp Horizon+
July 14—18
Boys Boot Camp
Christmas in July
Crafts and Cooking
Outside the Lines
Paints and More
Project Runway*
Pumped Up PE
Rockets & Roller Coasters
Wide World of Sports
Camp Horizon+
July 21—25
Around the World
Backyard Blast*
Bon Appetit*
Camp Vertical Girls League
Girls Inc*
Loud and Proud
Man Camp*
Rad Scientists*
Triple Threat*
Wide World of Sports
Camp Horizon+
July 28—August 1
All-Star Sports
Around the World
Crafts and Cooking
Girls Inc*
Man Camp*
Once Upon a Time
Ready, Set, Go!
Wild Wilderness
Camp Horizon+
August 4—8
All-Star Sports
Backyard Blast*
Loud and Proud
Outside the Lines
Paints and More
Project Runway*
Pumped Up PE
Rad Scientists*
Top Secret*
Camp Horizon
August 11—15
+Grades 7—8 Only
*Grades 4—6 Only

activity group descriptions
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Adventure is an outdoor activity for all kids who simply love to have fun! Come prepared to have a different and exciting adventure every day. In Adventure we spend most of our time outside so if you just can't get enough of that Wisconsin summer sun join us for some fun.
Weeks Offered
1, 3, 5, 7
All-Star Sports
NEW! Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Football, track-and-field? This activity group is perfect for any active kid who simply loves all things sports! Each day, your camper will get to run drills and scrimmages for different sports, and have lots of fun doing it. Join us for a week of all your classic American sports, and more!
Weeks Offered
1, 3, 7, 8
Around the World
NEW! Calling all world travelers (or aspiring ones)! Adventure is out there… and here at Camp Vertical too! In this travel-themed activity group, campers will have the opportunity to explore cuisine, landmarks, sports, and even climate for different countries around the world.
Weeks Offered
4, 6, 7
Backyard Blast
Come on over to Camp Vertical’s big backyard to play games like kickball, hide-and-seek, sardines, and extreme kick the can. Each week will also feature competitions like carpet ball tournaments, tailgate-toss contests and more! You won’t want to miss out on all of the awesome backyard summer fun!
Weeks Offered
2, 6, 8
Beyond the Brush
Our older kids will use their imagination and creativity to design, build, paint, and draw their way through a great week. This is the most advanced creative camp we’ve ever offered at Camp Vertical. So, take a look around you, dream big, and get ready for an explosion of creativity in Beyond the Brush.
Weeks Offered
1, 4
Bon Appetit
BACK FROM THE VAULT! Do you have sudden urges to create culinary masterpieces? Do you have dreams about cream puffs and crème Brulee? Does the thought of making and eating your own creations excite you? Then we have a camp for you! Join other cooking lovers and get ready for a week of planning, mixing, baking, boiling and tasting. A must attend camp for those who love creativity with food!
Weeks Offered
4, 6
Boys Boot Camp
Left...left...left, right, left... Attention cadets: are you ready to be stretched to your limits? This is boot camp with a Vertical twist! Throughout the week we will work on our teamwork, experience extreme obstacle courses, and of course compete in the epic camouflage tournament.
Weeks Offered
2, 5
Camp Vertical Girls League
We know that girls like to play more than one sport, so here is your chance. We are combining all the high- energy sports into one fast-paced camp. Sign up for a slam-dunking, high-spiking week!!
Weeks Offered
2, 6
Happy Birthday! Happy Easter! Happy New Year! This group is for all those celebrators out there who love special occasions! In this activity group, your kids will get to play games, do crafts and eat foods for all their favorite holidays. Get ready for an entire years’ worth of celebrating in just one week!
Weeks Offered
2, 8
Christmas in July
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way… Oh what fun it is to play outside on a sunny day… HEY! That’s right, Christmas came early this year. Like way early! We are going to do all the things we love about winter and Christmas in JULY. Sledding, decorating trees and singing carols are just the beginning of this very merry camp.
Weeks Offered
3, 5
Calling all kids who love to design, build, and knock things down…this camp is for you! This is your chance to put your creative energies into action. Each week we will use a variety of materials to design and build our own amazing structures. This camp is highlighted by our own, safe, demolition day on Thursday of each week!
Weeks Offered
1, 6, 8
Crafts and Cooking
This camp is filled with good eats and fun projects. Under the watchful eye of our staff, the campers will create many culinary masterpieces. Those with good taste and a creative spirit should sign up for this adventure.
Weeks Offered
1, 7, 5
For the Win
Raise your hand if you love family game night! This camp is for anyone who likes to sit and play a strategy board game, or just enjoy a friendly game of Sorry! Campers will get a chance to play all types of games, and even create a game of their own. You don’t want to miss out on this week!
Weeks Offered
1, 4
Girls Inc.
This camp is all about girls being girls! Days will be full of fun girlie things like painting nails, spa treatments, chocolate, pajama day, interactive games, and lots of other things that girls love. One of the highlights each day is when we take a break to talk about the inner qualities that make a woman truly beautiful.
Weeks Offered
3, 6, 7
Green Thumb
This group is for all the little biologists who wonder how trees grow! In just one week, we will get to explore plant life and how things grow! Our environmental scientists will get to care for their own plant, tend to the camp vertical garden, go on nature walks and discover bird calls! We will also get to play plant inspired games, and eat lots of yummy garden snacks!
Weeks Offered
4, 2
Water! Just the word makes you think of summer! We will be diving into a week full of water escapades in this group! Water wars, crazy experiments, amazing discoveries, and tons of fun await each camper as they cannonball their way into a great week. You won’t want to miss the wettest, wildest camp ever seen at Vertical!
Weeks Offered
2, 4, 7
Lights, Camera, Action!
This camp will allow the more “dramatic” campers to practice their acting skills in fun and exciting ways. They will also have the opportunity to star in a Camp Vertical original featured film!
Weeks Offered
Loud & Proud
A week of high flying, loud cheering action! Girls will get a crash course in cheer and pom moves and prepare a rockin’ routine for the whole camp and parents on Friday! Stretch those muscles and get ready for a high-energy week that will be cheer-tastic!
Weeks Offered
3, 6, 8
Man Camp
This camp is filled with all kinds of activities that boys will love including adventures in male cooking, Lumberjack Day, and tons of other high-energy activities. The most important part of the day is when the whole group gathers to discover what it takes to not only be a real man, but a gentleman.
Weeks Offered
3, 6, 7
Journey with us as we learn how to survive in the wilderness. Kids will learn how to build a campfire, pitch a tent, go fishing, build a fort and much, much more. They will even have a chance to learn archery! And of course, this fun week will have an optional sleepover, just like real life camping! It will almost be like being in the Northwoods of WI. You won’t want to miss it.
Weeks Offered
Once Upon a Time
Do you love reading and writing? Creating imaginary worlds and stories? Join us for a week of creative adventure as we dive into faraway lands only found in the world of books. Campers will learn the art of writing poetry, biographies, fictional stories and creating worlds of their own; while also learning how to create their own book nook and enjoy Random Reading Spot Time. So grab a good story, put on your creative writing hat, and get ready to experience the joy of storytelling.
Weeks Offered
3, 4, 7
Outside the Lines
No need to keep the color inside the lines with this crafty camp! Finger painting is just the beginning of the active and imaginative activities found here. Kids will have a chance to use their creativity to play colorful games, as well as their energy to run around and get messy. All while learning how to make something beautiful! Join us for a week filled with plenty of games and art projects that are Big, Fun and Messy and learn that anyone can put their craftsmanship to the test.
Weeks Offered
1, 5, 8
Paints and More
Budding Artists come in all shapes and sizes. Paints and More is designed so that each child, whether a beginner or the next Picasso, will have fun using watercolors, clay, chalk, wood and more. Get your creative juices flowing, and join us for this "masterpiece" of a week.
Weeks Offered
2, 5, 8
Project Runway
Girls, do you have an eye for design? In Project Runway we are going to be designing clothing of all kinds. From drawing the hippest new trend, to creating our very own clothes (out of a variety of wacky materials), this camp is all about creativity. This fun week will end with a fashion show.
Weeks Offered
5, 8
Pumped Up PE
Raise your hand if Gym is your favorite subject!?! If you love Gym at school, then Pumped up PE is the activity for you. Each day we are going to play the best of the best games from your gym classes. Dodgeball, Around the World, Pac-Man, Kick Ball and even Hungry Hungry Hippos are all going to come to life in the Elmbrook Gym. So if you are always longing for gym class, Pumped up PE is ready to satisfy.
Weeks Offered
5, 8, 4
Rad Scientists
Experiments, Explosions, and Eruptions… Join our Mad Scientist leaders in exploring the crazy fun side of science. Kids will participate in “hair raising” experiments that will knock their goggles off (but not really)!
Weeks Offered
6, 8, 2
Ready, Set, Go!
(Required safety equipment: helmet and knee pads, suggested bring your own wheels). Zoom zoom,
Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! Kick it into high gear with pinewood derby cars, cardboard boats and more. If it has wings or wheels, this camp has got it! We will have wheels day at the Camp Vertical skate park and race day and the camp Vertical track! Join us for a week of racing as we celebrate all things that “Go!”
Weeks Offered
2, 4, 7
Rockets and Rollercoasters
This week is filled with the high-flying adventure of model rocketry and loop-de-loop roller coasters. Each child will build and launch a rocket and create a marble roller coaster with enough drops and turns to make you dizzy. A great week for everyone!
Weeks Offered
1, 5
Join the Steps camp for a week of high flying, dance-tastic fun. Girls will learn the basics of dance and have fun putting them together in a routine for the whole camp on Friday! Stretch those muscles and get ready for a high-energy week that will be fun for all.
Weeks Offered
1, 4
Top Secret
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to spend the week working on a top secret Vertical case. Fingerprints, clues, and dead ends are sure to keep you on your toes in this mysterious activity. Do you have what it takes to crack the code?
Weeks Offered
2, 8
Triple Threat
BACK FROM THE VAULT! In this camp, we are combining the best of the 3-on-3 sports into one exciting week! Activities will include 3-on-3 basketball, 3-on-3 hockey, 3-on-3 soccer, 3-on-3 flag football, and many more. Campers, prepare for a week of high-energy action!
Weeks Offered
1, 4, 6
What do racquet-ball, bad-mitten, pickle ball, tennis and ping pong all have in common? Racket’s! Join us for this eclectic sporty week, where your campers will learn how to play all the sports that go ‘wack’ with a racket! During this week, they will learn, play, cheer and have competitions for new and different sports!
Weeks Offered
1, 3, 7
Wide World of Sports
Rackets and bats and balls…oh my! The kids have spoken and we have listened: We want to play tennis. Check! We want to play frisbee-golf. Check! We want to mini-putt. Check! All these activities plus flag football, cricket, and many more will make up a week of camp you will not soon forget. Sign up quickly and get ready for a world-wide adventure in sports.
Weeks Offered
5, 6, 2
Wild Wilderness
Journey with us as we learn how to survive in the wilderness, how to track animals, pitch a tent, build a fort and much, much more. Kids in this camp will spend the week in the incredible nature surrounding Elmbrook. They will discover that it truly is a WILD wilderness out there!